HR Resources

Welcome to our HR Resources area

We’re continuously striving to put together really helpful guides to help you, help yourself in HR and business.

We want to encourage self-sufficiency and give you the tools necessary to grow your business and go from strength to strength.

Our resources will always be free, but we may change them from time to time so make sure to download them while you’re here!

If there’s a guide you’d like to see on a specific area of HR or business then please let us know and we’ll see what we can come up with!

Petaurum HR

Reading List Recommendations



by Josh Bersin

HR Rising!

by Steve Browne

First, Break All The Rules

by Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman


by Paul Lawrence & Nitin Nohria

HR Disrupted

by Lucy Adams

The Talent Delusion

by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

The Halo Effect

by Phil Rosenzweig


by Edward De Bono


by James Kerr

Organisational Behaviour

Belonging at work

by Rhodes Perry, MPA

Work Rules!

by Laszlo Block

The Fearless Organisation

by Amy C Edmondson

Thinking Fast and Slow

by Daniel Kahneman

Growing Great Employees

by Erika Anderson


by Seth Godin

Nine Lies about Work

by Marcus Buckingham & Ashley Goodall

Workplace Culture

Belonging at work

by Rhodes Perry, MPA


by Edward De Bono

Nine Lies about Work

by Marcus Buckingham & Ashley Goodall

The Fearless Organisation

by Amy C Edmondson

Build It

by Glenn Elliott & Debra Corey

Radical Candor

by Kim Scott

The Halo Effect

by Phil Rosenzweig

Rebel Ideas

by Matthew Syed

Growing Great Employees

by Erika Anderson

Start with Why

by Simon Sinek

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Subtle Acts of Exclusion

by Tiffany Jana & Michael Baran

Invisible Women

by Caroline Criado-Perez

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