City of York Trading Case StudyBusiness Planning City of York Trading (CYT), trading as Work with York and Work with Schools, is a recruitment agency handling temporary, permanent and seasonal jobs on an adhoc, part and full time basis, with...
Post Office Case Study
Post Office - Case study Background After being established as a separate business, independent of Royal Mail Group, Post Office Ltd needed to ensure they were compliant with their automatic enrolment workplace pension duties, under the Pensions...
A4E Case Study
A4E Case StudyPioneering Pensions Auto EnrolmentA4e (now trading as PeoplePlus) is a major provider in the Welfare-to-Work industry, providing government tendered contracts on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions. In 2011, the new...
Henry Schein
Henry Schein Case StudyPensions Auto Enrolment We provide an exclusive Pensions Auto Enrolment solution for over 20,000 Henry Schein dental practice clients. Furthermore, we provide them with the knowledge to understand pensions auto enrolment and...
Essex County Fire & Rescue Service
Essex County Fire & Rescue ServiceThe public sector places enormous demands on all aspects of re-organisation, although there are inherent advantages to a private sector contractor engaging at structural levels. Client: Essex County Fire...
Baldwin & Francis
Petaurum Solutions Designs HR Strategy for Leading Electrical Engineering Firm to Drive Business Performance and Growth The need: Leading Electrical Engineering firm, Baldwin & Francis, with a hundred year history in powering hazardous...
Lincolnshire County Council
Lincolnshire County Council Case StudyDriving ChangeWhen Lincolnshire County Council found themselves under increasing pressure to find more and more savings, they brought in Petaurum Solutions, a leading business in HR and people solutions, to...
Spire Healthcare
Spire Healthcare Case StudyA rare and special occasion for PetaurumThe opening of a brand new, private hospital from scratch, whereby the structure and facilities are designed to absorb the requirements of the growing healthcare landscape, is a...