HR Blog

Great North Run 2018

Director running in aid of St Barnabas Hospice Trust (Lincolnshire) It’s that time of year again when Adam Davey is donning his trainers on 9th September to run in the world’s largest half marathon, the Great North Run, for the 14th time. Having...

Get Ready for the World Cup

The World Cup kicks off in just a few days and as always, excitement is mounting around the trying to predict the likely winner, who’ll get the golden boot, what will be the outcome of the inevitable penalty shoot-out, etc. At work it can be great...

How to keep employees motivated

How to keep employees motivated If people believe that the organisation they work for values their contribution and wants to involve them in important things, they are much more likely to feel motivated. This usually means seeking, listening to, and responding to...

Can Early Intervention Reduce Length of Absence?

Early intervention services can reduce the length of long-term sickness absences by 17%, according to research by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr), commissioned by employee benefits provider Unum. Its Benefits of Early Intervention report, which...

Auto-enrolment compliance notices quadruple

Figures from The Pensions Regulator (TPR) show 469 auto-enrolment compliance notices were issued to employers between July and September 2015. A compliance notice is issued under section 35 of the Pensions Act 2008 to remedy a contravention of one or more...

What makes a good boss?

What makes a great boss? This list of things managers can do to make employees happy, culled from a recent survey of office workers, suggest would-be leaders would do well to focus on the freebies rather than the theory. The top ten bad things managers can do to make...