Managing People & Work Activity
Ensuring Remote Workers remain focused and well informed will be key to maintaining performance whilst working remotely. To ensure success, everyone will have a role to play as the normal lines of updates and communication may have altered?
The role of the Manager/Team Leader
The role of your Specialist Teams (Health and Safety, IT/Network Teams)
Additional Resources
The role of the Manager
Managing remote teams requires a different approach. The role of the manager is to ensure their Remote Workers are updated regularly with key information about their department and team, along with ensuring they are managing daily tasks and actions. They must be proactive, with deliberate, scheduled contact and regular one-to-one time with all of their team members. Flexibility, openness and trust are critical for Remote Working to succeed.
Their own focus and approach will inevitably change from the norm. For example, their time may be spent 60% on looking after team and 40% on their own work delivery.
Managers should be clear on what their people will do and why. However, leave the Remote Worker to determine how they do it and (if possible) when. Working at home allows for lots of flexibility so if possible, allow the Remote Worker to decide whether keep to ‘normal hours’, or for example if they need to take the children to / collect from school, they may work an extra hour in the evening.
The role of the manager video
Content Coming Soon.
The role of the Remote Worker
The role of the Remote Worker is to deliver what’s expected of them, ensuring they update their manager regularly and can safely manage daily tasks and actions
Remote Working Policy
Content Coming Soon.
The role of the Remote Worker Video
Content Coming Soon.
The role of the Specialist Teams
The role of the Specialist Team is to ensure that Remote Workers have the equipment and tools to remain connected and productive. This could include access to networks and data, Apps and technology (Zoom, Workspace, WhatsApp, Facetime, Yammer etc.) through to Health and Safety experts to undertake remote Risk Assessments.
The role of the Specialist Teams
Content Coming Soon.
Additional Resources
Managing People & Work Activity Video
Resource Pages
Employee Engagement »
Managing People »
HR Policies »
Equipment »
Risk »
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Station Road, Framlingham
Woodbridge, Suffolk
IP13 9EZ