HR Blog
More time to save on your National Insurance contributions when opting to use Childcare Vouchers
As you may be aware, there are changes happening in childcare funding as the Government is set to launch their Tax-free Childcare scheme. The Government were originally planning to launch their new Tax-free Childcare scheme in the autumn; however,...
Civil servants are going to get new keep fit plans at work
A new workplace initiative is being launched to get civil servants more active. Irish Health Minister Leo Varadkar has announced a new initiative to get public sector workers healthier. The public sector employs hundreds of thousands of people, so...
Auto Enrolment Step-by-Step
Auto Enrolment Step-by-Step The latest auto-enrolment deadline for SMEs employing under 30 staff members passed on 1st June. What do SME business owners need to know in order to comply with the new regulations? The UK has a pensions crisis. Too...
Small Business challenge to deliver new workplace pensions
Small Business challenge to deliver new workplace pensions The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) are encouraging SME owners to make sure that they are aware of the latest auto-enrolment milestone. On 1st June, up to 14,000 businesses with fewer...
Regulator reveals increase in auto-enrolment fines
Regulator reveals increase in auto-enrolment fines A quarterly bulletin published by the Pensions Regulator has revealed that the number of fixed penalty notices has increased in 2015, with 198 penalties for failing to comply with workplace...
Legal Round-Up April enforcement dates, new legislation, and the latest case law from courts and tribunals
Legal Round-Up April enforcement dates, new legislation, and the latest case law from courts and tribunals April saw the shared parental leave rules reached the ‘expected week of childbirth’ trigger, the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment...
Can employee benefits really drive employee engagement?
Can employee benefits really drive employee engagement? The relationship between employers and their employees is similar to a marriage, in that it needs to be a two-way partnership. For the relationship to work, both parties need to know what they...
Small businesses discover hidden benefits of auto enrolment after implementation
Small businesses discover hidden benefits of auto enrolment after implementation Research from Barclays Corporate & Employer Solutions reveals British SMEs are finding more benefits to auto enrolment after their staging date than initially...
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