Using Childcare Vouchers in February half term

February half term is just around the corner, unless you live in Bristol or Sheffield – in which case, it’s here already!

It may not seem like a long time since your children have returned to school, but the half term break has crept upon us and you may be wondering how to organise more affordable childcare arrangements.

Childcare can be expensive, particularly during busy half term periods, but remember the a Childcare Voucher scheme can help cut the costs significantly.

Childcare Vouchers are not just for use in nurseries, they can help you pay for all registered childcare; including activity camps or play schemes during half term. If your children are already at an after school club, Childcare Vouchers can also help with these costs too. Ask your child’s school if they run any play schemes over the half term to help you manage your childcare expenses.

Other benefits

If you’re looking for other ways to save money on lifestyle costs, log in to your online portal to find out about the other money saving schemes available to you.

Not used Childcare Vouchers before?

Are you paying for childcare? You can save over £933 each year on your childcare costs by using Childcare Vouchers to pay your childcare provider. You can choose to deduct up to £243 per month from your wages in return for the same amount of Childcare Vouchers – by doing so you will make tax and National Insurance savings.

Do you know anyone who could benefit from using Childcare Vouchers?

If you have friends or family who would benefit from saving money on their childcare costs, please ask them to contact us with their employer’s details and we will get in touch to discuss setting up a scheme.

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