As regular readers of our blogs will know, Adam and Dean successfully completed the 26.1 miles of the Manchester Marathon back in April. For Adam, this was part of a double header, with his regular participation in the Great North Run always a firm fixture in the calendar.

So, on 8th September 2024, Adam will be completing his 20th Great North Run, the world’s leading half marathon, once again raising vital funds for St Barnabas Hospice. Having only missed one GNR (due to injury in 2011) this will be a real milestone in his running passion.

Commenting on this Adam said

“It really doesn’t seem long ago since I ran my first ever GNR with my brother and brother-in-law and I can’t quite believe that I’m still doing it 20 years later. The physical benefits of running are obvious, but I find it’s so helpful for mental wellbeing too, as it’s a great way to clear my head especially after a busy or stressful day. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve worked out the solution to a really tricky challenge whilst out running – it’s a great way to clear the mind and it’s amazing what happens when you can do that!”

Adam has once again set-up his Just Giving page to use his running as an opportunity to raise funds for St Barnabas Hospice.

St Barnabas Hospice delivers free, high-quality, compassionate end-of-life care and support to more than 9,000 adults with a life-limiting or terminal illness, and their family and carers. They aim to enable them to live as fully as they are able for however many days, weeks or months they have left.

The charity has lost millions of pounds since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, so Adam’s fundraising takes on even more significance as the charity’s recovery continues.

To sponsor Adam, click here to take you to his JustGiving page. And don’t forget to claim Gift Aid to increase your donation by 25%, at no extra cost to you.