It’s now been over eight years since changes to the Pensions Act have required all Employers, under Auto Enrolment, to provide workers with a Work Place Pensions Scheme. Indeed, many of those companies who first enrolled will have been through...
Pensions Auto Enrolment
Top Tips: Setting up a Payroll
So you have taken the plunge and set up your own business and started employing people (see our other ‘top tips’ articles on how best to do this), now you will need to have the capability to pay them appropriately and meet your Pensions Automatic...
Pensions Regulator begins spot checks in East Midlands to ensure Auto Enrolment compliance
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has begun carrying out spot checks across the East Midlands to make sure employers are complying with their pension duties. Inspection teams will visit dozens of businesses in the East Midlands this month to check...
One in Four Small firms miss Auto Enrolment Staging Date
One in four small firms miss AE staging date One in four small firms (25%) have missed their deadline or (staging date) for auto-enrolling their staff into a pension scheme. This is an increase from less than one in five (18%) in Q3 2016, according...
Pension Fear for SMEs
As reported on this news page in December last year, according to a report by employee benefits adviser Helm Godfrey, things haven’t got much better, with small and medium-sized businesses continuing to be at risk of choosing unsuitable pension...
Pensions Auto-Enrolment Need not be like Drawing Teeth
Pensions auto-enrolment need not be like drawing teeth The process of responsible pensions’ provision can be a ‘nightmare’ to some specialist employers, highlights Mark Dyer of Petaurum Solutions, but with the three years’ restaging cycle upon us,...
Accountants letting SMEs down on auto-enrolment advice
Almost half of accountants admit to not knowing enough about auto-enrolment despite nearly two-thirds of SMEs turning to their accountants for advice about the pension legislation. A report by employee benefits adviser Helm Godfrey has raised...
To Comply, or Not to Comply…It’s Not even a Pensions’ Question!
To comply, or not to comply…it’s not even a pensions’ question! Compliance is certainly a warm and cuddly word that contains a wealth of potentially terrifying consequences, while highlighting that employers will face enforcement issues on the...