I wrote this piece on equality, diversity and inclusion a few years ago, back when I was a student. Until then I'd only ever written academic assignments or small pieces that were essential in my professional life. But nothing like this, there was...
HR Consultancy and Projects
Diversity and Inclusion at Work
Direct discrimination is, of course, illegal. There are protected characteristics that are listed in the Equality Act 2010. These make it clear that to discriminate on the basis of any of these will likely result in legal action being taken. The...
What Are The Advantages Of Outsourcing HR For Small Businesses
Why Should A Small Business Be Outsourcing HR? In the evolution of small business, there comes a time when the need to outsource HR becomes a necessity. This often is when the business leader will have to deal with one or more of the main aspects...
Work Place Pensions: A Guide To Auto Enrolment – 2020 UPDATE
It’s now been over eight years since changes to the Pensions Act have required all Employers, under Auto Enrolment, to provide workers with a Work Place Pensions Scheme. Indeed, many of those companies who first enrolled will have been through...
How to Motivate Your Employees Without Money
Knowing how to motivate employees without money can be hard as often the go-to option is salary increase or bonuses. You might not want to go down that route, or not have the resources to support it. Especially now, in the COVID-19 era, businesses...
How to Develop an Integrated HR Strategy
Why do I need a HR Strategy? Whether you are a small business owner or an ambitious employee, the dream is what gets you up, keeps you motivated and keeps you going when frustration sets in. Unlike DelBoy in Only Fools and Horses who took each day...
Employee Retention Techniques
Employees are one of, if not, the most important asset to any business. Having great Employee Retention Techniques will ensure high staff retention, grow a positive workplace and lead to business sucess. “Employees are a company's greatest asset -...
How People React to Change and How To Manage It
For our entire lives, we humans need some form of structure as we are creatures of habit and routine. We thrive in a structured environment and when faced with change, can react in varying ways. Knowing how people react to change is advantageous...