HR Blog
To Comply, or Not to Comply…It’s Not even a Pensions’ Question!
To comply, or not to comply…it’s not even a pensions’ question! Compliance is certainly a warm and cuddly word that contains a wealth of potentially terrifying consequences, while highlighting that employers will face enforcement issues on the...
Future-proofing by Judicious Pension Planning
The irony of the pension scene lies in the fact that we never know we need it, until we do, although the golden olden days of perks-packed employment packages is now past its comfort zone. According to a recent survey, around 30% of British...
What Is A Workplace Pension?
Nearly half (40%) of 18-30 year olds consider their knowledge of pensions to be poor or very poor and three in five (60%) don’t know what a workplace pension is according to research by workplace pensions provider NOW: Pensions. Two in five (42%)...
Auto enrolment penalties see sharp increase
Auto enrolment penalties see sharp increase Stark new figures from The Pensions Regulator have revealed a sharp increase in the number of fines dished out to SMEs that fail to address their auto-enrolment obligations. The number of fixed penalty...
Is Auto Enrolment Non-Compliance An Option?
In its latest quarterly update covering June to September 2016, The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has revealed they have seen a distinct rise in the number of fines for pension non-compliance with 3,728 fixed penalty notices issued, compared to 861 the...
Auto-enrolment: What Is It and What Do I Have to Do?
Auto-enrolment: What Is It and What Do I Have to Do? With UK employers now legally required to provide an employee pension scheme, here's a detailed step-by-step auto-enrolment guide. Nearly half of employers required to set up a pension scheme for...
One in five employers missing auto-enrolment staging date
One in five employers missing auto-enrolment staging date One in five employers is failing to sign its employees up to an auto-enrolment pension scheme, putting them at risk of hefty fines from The Pensions Regulator, according to figures released...
Thank you to all who visited us at the Business Show 2016
Well what a fantastic few days we have just had exhibiting at the Business Show at the London Excel Arena, a great location and great event. Thank you to everyone who took time out to see us on our stand, it was good to speak to each and every one...
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Small Business challenge to deliver new workplace pensions
Small Business challenge to deliver new workplace pensions The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) are encouraging SME owners to make sure that they are aware of the latest auto-enrolment milestone. On 1st June, up to 14,000 businesses with fewer than 30 employees...
Regulator reveals increase in auto-enrolment fines
Regulator reveals increase in auto-enrolment fines A quarterly bulletin published by the Pensions Regulator has revealed that the number of fixed penalty notices has increased in 2015, with 198 penalties for failing to comply with workplace pensions duties handed down...
Legal Round-Up April enforcement dates, new legislation, and the latest case law from courts and tribunals
Legal Round-Up April enforcement dates, new legislation, and the latest case law from courts and tribunals April saw the shared parental leave rules reached the ‘expected week of childbirth’ trigger, the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 became law...
Can employee benefits really drive employee engagement?
Can employee benefits really drive employee engagement? The relationship between employers and their employees is similar to a marriage, in that it needs to be a two-way partnership. For the relationship to work, both parties need to know what they are committing to,...
5 million signed up to Auto Enrolment pensions
5 million signed up to AE pensions Nearly 5.2m people have been enrolled into a workplace pension scheme under auto-enrolment, figures from the Department for Work and Pensions show. Auto-enrolment was launched in 2012, initially with only the largest businesses...
Small businesses discover hidden benefits of auto enrolment after implementation
Small businesses discover hidden benefits of auto enrolment after implementation Research from Barclays Corporate & Employer Solutions reveals British SMEs are finding more benefits to auto enrolment after their staging date than initially expected. Only a quarter...
Childcare change is coming, are you ready?
What are the changes? The Government will launch the Tax-free childcare scheme in autumn which will see them subsidising 20% of a child's childcare on costs of up to £10,000 per year, providing savings of up to £2,000 per child. Parents will pay into an account when...
“But he started it…”
The grown-up guide to handling conflict in business 1. Understand individual styles It may not prevent disruption completely, but arming managers with the knowledge of how different people work together can help them nip disagreements in the bud. Psychometric tools...
TPR’s decision not to publish auto-enrolment list of pension schemes for small employers ‘a serious blow’
TPR’s decision not to publish auto-enrolment list of pension schemes for small employers ‘a serious blow’ A pension provider has said a decision by The Pensions Regulator (TPR) not to publish a list of pension schemes for small employers to comply with auto-enrolment...
Nipping conflict in the bud
Nipping conflict in the bud Picture the scene. You manage a team in a call centre. An employee has stolen a computer game from a colleague’s car and held his keys to ransom. Others are changing the language on each other’s computers or disrupting the working day with...